Journal The Journey: HOPE

by Chris

Brand new 160 page beautiful journal~coloring book to draw you to HOPE. Order now for $14.95
Journal the Journey is a series of journal~coloring books designed to bring respite, peace and calm as you work through life’s day-to-day experiences. The process taught in this book will help you find the one certainty for everything you face.
There is HOPE.
Hope is a feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Journaling is a wonderful way to process your journey of HOPE.
Throughout this book you’ll find:

  • Inspirational stories to encourage you on your journey
  • Lined writing pages to record your thoughts in the process
  • Designs to color for relaxation and fun
  • Space to draw or doodle – just because
  • Inspirational quotes to brighten your day
  • Scripture verses to point you to a future of HOPE
  • A section to record one-hundred things you are grateful for
  • Space to record prayers and updates
  • Journal theme ideas and word lists to help kick start your journal writing

No matter what you put into this journal, I believe you will not only find HOPE, but you’ll create a record of the journey to share with generations to come.
Price: $14.95 + $7 shipping